• Our Vision

    At the heart of the Montessori philosophy is the teacher understands the nature of the child. Maria Montessori knew that the groundwork for the intellectual, spiritual, and moral development is laid in the first six years of life. The potential in each child to become an adult of peace and understanding was foremost in her mind.

    At Grand Avenue Montessori School we share the same vision of the Montessori child we are confident that children who spend three years in our caring environment reach their fullest potential.

    At Grand Avenue Montessori School, we strive to assist the children to become the adults who:

    …feel self-empowered to reach their fullest potential
    …lead with strength and follow with respect
    …tolerate difference and respect diversity
    …appreciate all cultures
    …preserve our environment
    …think independently
    …experience wonder
    …promote peace
    …care for others